The Texas A&M University System Research Security Office (RSO) was established to support all A&M System principal investigators (PIs) in meeting federal requirements for securing classified information, controlled unclassified information (CUI), and to serve as the Export Control Office for the A&M System. The mission of the RSO is to establish and administer export control and research security policies, procedures and technology to enable Texas A&M University System Members to comply with federal guidelines for transporting and handling all levels of U.S. Government information. Through a concerted effort, the Research Security Office fulfills four objectives:
Alleviate the burden of compliance on all faculty

support the system in securing regulated data

manage the system secure computing enclave

advise system members on export control matters

The Texas A&M University System is one of the largest systems of higher education in the nation with a budget of $6.3 billion. The System is a statewide network of 11 universities; a comprehensive health science center; eight state agencies, including the Texas Division of Emergency Management; and the RELLIS Campus. The Texas A&M System educates more than 151,000 students and makes more than 22 million additional educational contacts through service and outreach programs each year. System-wide, research and development expenditures exceeded $1 billion in FY 2019 and helped drive the state’s economy.
Securing the Texas A&M University System’s Research Portfolio